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A Unified Voice
Through its diverse board and broadly representative committees, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools develops sound, coherent policies that support high-quality public education options for families who need them the most. Key priorities include lifting arbitrary "caps" on charter growth, closing the finance gap between charters and other public schools, and updating the federal Charter Schools Program to spur a new era of charter achievement. To increase public support and political understanding of charter schools, the Alliance proactively delivers the message of accountability and results through print, broadcast, and online media; Issue Briefs and other publications; and conferences such as last summer's Chartering 2.0 leadership summit.

Building Movement Capacity
Although more than 40 states have charter laws, the "grid" of support and services for charter schools is porous. Through strategic planning, technical assistance, and best-practice guidance from industry leaders, the Alliance is helping state associations and other charter-support organizations develop skills and services needed to nurture charter school growth and student achievement.

In 2005, the Alliance's Task Force on Charter School Quality and Accountability articulated principles and recommendations for achieving quality-driven growth. Now the Alliance is turning their ideas into action: building a stronger and more diverse pipeline of school-leadership; spreading a culture of data-driven decision making at all levels of the charter enterprise; and making sure that parents, press and policymakers see chartering as a continuous-improvement model for delivering public education.