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What is the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools?
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is an independent, national nonprofit organization committed to advancing the charter school movement in the United States. Its board of directors and staff include many of the most experienced and active leaders from the national charter movement.

What is the purpose of the Alliance?
To dramatically expand the charter movement and extend its principles throughout American education, the Alliance will:

  • Function as an effective, unified, national voice that explains and advocates for the charter school movement in the face of entrenched resistance
  • Expand the number and variety of high-quality charter schools
  • Create, maintain, and defend policy environments in which charter schools can succeed
  • Build and strengthen members and allies to advance these goals

What are the goals of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools?
The Alliance will pursue the following goals during its first several years of operation:

  • Expand and improve charter schooling across the nation
  • Build an organization that represents all segments of the charter school movement
  • Develop a public relations strategy that increases the awareness and support for charter schools among the general public and decision-makers
  • Develop a policy operation that educates state and federal leaders and serves to increase the number and impact of favorable legislative and administrative decisions
  • Undertake projects to develop and strengthen state-level charter school infrastructure

For more information: or 202.216.5785